Agenda item

Lords Cricket Ground, St John's Wood Road, NW8


Demolition of the existing Tavern Stand, Allen Stand, Thomas Lord Building, MCC Office Building and Scorers Box and redevelopment comprising the erection of new stand, new Thomas Lord Building with an expanded basement and relocated public house, new Harris Garden Building, new scorers Box, internal and external alterations to the Pavilion, a new shop in the Bowlers' Annexe together with relocation of the floodlight, hard and soft landscaping, servicing facilities and all necessary ancillary and enabling works, plant and equipment.


Additional representations were made by the Highways Planning Manager (21.10.2015), the Senior Aboricultural Manager (20.10.2015), Barry Fitzgerald (17.10.2015), Rula Al-Adasani (15.10.2015, the owner/occupier of 329 Scott Ellis Gardens (16.10.2015), DP9 Limited (21.10.2015 and 22.10.2015), GIA (12.10.2015), Marylebone Cricket Club (22.10.2015) and Brian East (9.10.2015).


Late representations were received from Marylebone Cricket Club (26.10.2015) and Councillor Gotz Mohindra (27.10.2015).


Councillor Gotz Mohindra addressed the Committee in his capacity as ward member to represent the concerns of residents in objecting to the application.


The presenting officer tabled the following amendments:


Additional Conditions 


Conditions 44 and 45 to address the late representation received by the Arboricultural Manager in respect of the impact of the proposed basement excavations associated with the new stand on the street Plane trees in St John’s Wood Road, and the basement underneath the Harris Gardens on the 2 lime trees and the trees in the rear garden of the houses in Grove End Road


Condition 44

Pre-Commencement condition :Before any works start of the new stand, a detailed arboricultural assessment  including trial hole investigations shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council as local planning authority  in consultation with Transport for London to demonstrate that works can take place without affecting the health of the street trees .

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect the trees and the character and appearance of this part of the St John’s Wood Conservation Area.  This is as set out in S25, S28 and S38 of Westminster's City Plan: Strategic Policies adopted November 2013 and ENV 16, ENV 17, DES 1 (A) and paras 10.108 to 10.128 of our Unitary Development Plan that we adopted in January 2007. 


Condition 45

Before any works start on the excavation of the basement under the  Harris Gardens and the new enlarged basement under the new Thomas Lord Building , a detailed arboricultural assessment shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council as local planning authority to demonstrate that the proposal will not adversely affect the health of the TPO Lime trees T1 and T2 .This assessment shall include trail hole investigations to assess the presence of tree roots under the Harris Gardens and the tree roots in relation to the Lime trees  .The assessment shall also address the impact of the proposed excavation works on the trees on the adjoining rear gardens in Grove End Road .

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Condition 46

To secure the details of bird and bat boxes and add reason for the condition. 


The following conditions are to be changed:


Condition 6: Impact piling – minor changes to wording to reflect each phase


Delete Condition 16: Requires that the head frame of the relocated be removed at the end of each cricket season. This is not required, as the head frame will remain at its lower position in the new stand.


Condition 17:  Amend wording to also include the submission of an acoustic report in respect of the mechanism for elevating the retractable seats.


Condition 36: Operational Management Plan

Changes to the wording of the Operational Management Plan for the relocated public house in the new Thomas Lord Building and the use of the Harris Gardens.


Condition 43: Photographic catalogue of the Allen Stand prior to demolition 

Minor changes to the wording to replace ‘detailed photographic record’, replaced by ‘catalogue’ and for the Council to agree which elements of the existing stand to be removed and retained.


Add reason for the condition.

To ensure there is a photographic catalogue of the Allen Stand prior to its demolition and to reserve details of the features in the existing stand which are to the carefully removed and saved /stored in the light of the  stand's  historical association with Ground.


Minor typographical changes to a number of the draft conditions.




1.         That it be agreed that the less than substantial harm to the setting of the listed pavilion as a result of the proposed new stand is outweighed by the public benefits of the new stand and other works to the Ground, and the heritage improvements to the setting of the Grace Gates.


2.         That subject to 1 above, that conditional permission be granted, subject to additional conditions 44, 45 and 46 and amendments to conditons 6, 17, 36 and 43 as set out above; revised condition 16 to require approval of the number of days and times when the retractable seating can be extended; further revised condition 36 for the terminal hours when Harris Gardens can be used for the consumption of alcohol to be 8.00pm and to be cleared by 9.00pm; and subject to the concurrence of the Mayor of London and the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement to secure the following:


Construction Monitoring Contribution and Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)


3.         That conditional listed building consent be granted.


4.         That the reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter be agreed.

Supporting documents: