Agenda item

Policy and Scrutiny Portfolio Overview

To receive an update from the Cabinet Member for Family & People Services on the following:


1)    A summary of the service areas

2)    Cabinet Member priorities for the year ahead; and

3)    Any key service updates/issues


4.1      As this was the first meeting of the Family and People Services Policy and Scrutiny Committee, the Members and Officers provided a brief overview of their roles at the Council and any particular areas of interest they had within the Committee’s remit. The Chairman requested that a paper be circulated to all Members confirming the Committee’s terms of reference along with a list detailing the acronyms most regularly used within the Family and People Services portfolio.


4.1      Councillor Heather Acton (Cabinet Member for Family Services and Public Health), provided a briefing on key issues within her portfolio and advised of the significant work that had been undertaken with schools and dentists in regards to improving oral healthcare within Westminster. The Committee also heard from Melissa Caslake (Bi-Borough Executive Director of Childrens Services), Bernie Flaherty (Bi-Borough Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health), Mike Robinson (Director of Public Health), Chris Greenway (Bi-Borough Director of Integrated Commissioning), Senel Arkut (Director of Health Partnerships), Annabelle Saunders (Assistant Director for Commissioning and Innovation) and Miranda Gittos (Director of Family Services).


4.2      The Committee was interested to learn about the implementation of the Genito Urinary Medicine service and its new e-based operating system. It was pleased to note that the model ensured that those needing an appointment could be seen more promptly but queried how it had impacted on the service overall. Councillor Acton explained that it was likely that there would some resistance from patients to the new method of working; however, the new model would be phased in over the next nine months and was expected to have a positive effect on the service. Numbers of patients using the new e-based system had significantly increased and rates of sexually transmitted diseases throughout Westminster had reduced, although it was acknowledged that as yet it was unknown if this was due to the new system.


4.3      The Committee requested further information on the number of unaccompanied asylum seeking children within Westminster. The Committee was informed that the Council was currently supporting a total of 67 which was 39 over its threshold. One of the main reasons for this large number was that Westminster had various transport hubs located within it, for example Victoria Coach Station, and these areas were where many of the children arrived. The Committee noted that the number had recently remained steady with the introduction of a pan-London based system for placing the children and discussions with the Home Office regarding ways forward were ongoing. The Committee welcomed the suggestion to receive a more specific update on the issues involving unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.


4.4      Members noted that the meals on wheels service would cease in April 2019 and were interested to learn what future delivery options were being considered. Councillor Acton explained that the service was currently being utilised by 200 people and the potential future service provision for these customers was being investigated. This included exploring alternative means of addressing loneliness amongst service users.


4.4      The Committee also discussed nursing home inspections, childhood obesity, details of the safe space provision at the Beethoven Centre and rough sleepers.

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