Issue - decisions

Proposed Extension to Parking Services' Business Processing and Technology Services (BP&T) Contract

17/04/2018 - Proposed Extension to Parking Services' Business Processing and Technology Services (BP&T) Contract

1.       That the report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of paragraph 3 of the Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular persons (including the authority holding that information).


2.         The Cabinet Member for City Highways approved that the existing contract be extended for two years, with the extension commencing on the cessation of the existing contract on 31 October 2018 to ensure compliance and no loss of service.



1.       The initial term of this contract is due to expire on the 31 October 2018 and Parking Services wishes to invoke the two-year contract extension catered for in the contract. The benefits of a two-year extension are that it allows the parking service to continue to deliver a value for money service with further cost savings, as well as incorporating a number of enhancements.


2.       Over the initial contract term the competitive landscape for cashless parking has changed, and the contract extension will enable cost reductions to be realised in this area.


3.       Since November 2014 NSL Ltd have managed the provision of the BP&T contract successfully. Some of the key successes have been:


·         Strong KPI performance across all areas.

·         Enhancement of KPIs to drive continuous improvement.

·         Implementation of reduced response times for complaints.

·         Reduced PCN cancellation rate of 2%; 2016/17 compared to 2015/16.

·         Handling of 23% increase in PCN volumes; 2016/17 compared to 2015/16.

·         Strong delivery of camera enforcement; delivering both technology and PCN issue.

·         Strong IT performance for system availability and incident response times.

·         Marston’s acquisition in December 2016 with ongoing transition programme in place.


4.       The alternative to extending the contract would be to deliver a full procurement. There was a significant capital investment at the start of the existing contract and the extension allows the full value of this investment to be realised. A new procurement would also be at a cost to the council.