Issue - decisions

Implementation of Strategic Housing Options for Older Persons programme.: Carlton Dene and Westmead

09/08/2018 - Implementation of Strategic Housing Options for Older Persons programme.: Carlton Dene and Westmead



1.    That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

2.        That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Family Services and Public Health, and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services.


1.            Agree to proceed with the consultation strategy with residents and stakeholders over the future of Carlton Dene and Westmead Care Homes.

2.            Agree to proceed with consultation for the residents and stakeholders at Peebles House over the future of their homes, including consultation with the Carlton Vale Resident Management Organisation and residents of the Carlton Vale Estate.

3.            Cabinet Members note expenditure of £0.197m to date and approve additional expenditure of £0.901m to progress the scheme to OBC stage. This will increase the total authorisation to spend for Carlton Dene and Westmead to £1.098m.

4.            Approval to acquire by agreement the leasehold property at Peebles House where a sale is contemplated by the leaseholder before the emerging option for Carlton Dene was identified.

5.            Agree that the Council’s leaseholder and tenant decant policies for Housing Renewal Areas will represent the Council’s offer for leaseholders and tenants at Carlton Dene if redevelopment was identified for Peebles House.

Reasons for Decision


The proposed key drivers to decision making were:


1.            Provide more high quality extra care and supported living accommodation in the City.

2.            Provide more homes of all tenures in the City (for sale, market rent and subsidised rent).

3.            Provide new sub-market homes in line with the Council’s planning policy.

4.            Improve the environmental performance of Council properties, saving energy and money.

5.            Give residents of current care homes confidence that they can live with dignity in a safe, secure setting with the minimum disruption consistent with having contemporary standards of accommodation and amenity.

6.            Offer current Council tenants and residents leaseholders the chance to stay in their current neighbourhood should they wish.

7.            Improve the quality of the built environment and enhance neighbourhoods.

8.            Deliver viable options which take into account the duty of the Council to safeguard the public purse.