Issue - decisions

Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Employers Agent Contract Variation

29/03/2024 - Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Employers Agent Contract Variation

1.     Summary of Decision


1.1. That the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters in accordance with the delegation provided by the Cabinet Members’ Terms of Reference has approved the contract variations for the following contracts:

o   Ward Williams Associates Professional Services Contract for Employers Agent Services to extend the contract term and increase the value by an additional £114,200 (total contract value including extension £344,200)


o   Arcadis LLP Professional Services Contract for Cost Consulting Services to extend the contract term and increase the value by an additional £35,050.70 (total contract value including extension £561,131.23)


2.     Reasons for Decision


2.1. As part of the scheme, the Council is committed to ensuring that Darwin House residents would only be required to move once, therefore the project will be phased to ensure that the first phase of the project will build the new CSH block. This will ensure that Darwin House can remain in operation until the new replacement CSH building is complete. As well as this, the council has committed that for any development on the site:

·       There will be a full replacement of all council homes;

·       The Council will provide the maximum possible affordable housing;

·       The Council will support all residents through any moving process;

·       Works will be phased to minimise disruption to residents;

·       All new homes will be covered by a local lettings plan, meaning local people will benefit from the new homes;

·       Residents will be at the heart of the development and design of the project.

2.2. A variation to the existing contracts is necessary to increase the value and duration of these contracts to reflect unforeseen value engineering work to address scheme viability, and to extend the programme duration to reflect  phased delivery and increased defect liability period in line with the Main Contract to ensure these critical Client Monitoring Team roles which act on behalf of the Council remain intact and in place, continuing to monitor, administer the contract and discharge the Councils legal and regulatory duties during the delivery of the £33.545m Main Contract.


2.3. It would not be acceptable or practicable to replace or be without these roles for any period of time for technical and commercial reasons and to do so would significantly expose the Council, put it at immense risk and cause great and unnecessary inconvenience.


2.4. The approval set out in this Report is required to ensure continuity of professional services throughout the agreed Programme for the works.