Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Monday 15th May, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Room 18.01-18.03, 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Daniella Bonfanti, Cabinet Manager  Email:


No. Item






There were no changes to the membership of Cabinet.



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 27 March 2023.


RESOLVED: Councillor Adam Hug, with the consent of the Members present, agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th March were a true and correct record of the proceedings.


Dissolution of Westminster Procurement Services pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Shareholder Committee


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:



That Cabinet approve that Westminster Procurement Services Limited be dissolved with any share capital remaining after legal and professional fees being returned to the Council.


That Cabinet recommend to  Council, as sole shareholder, to pass a resolution to formally close down Westminster Procurement Services Limited by way of an application to strike off the company from the Companies Register.


Reasons for Decision

To be able to dissolve the Company, approval is needed from the company’s shareholder, Westminster Council.


You can view the full Shareholder Committee Report here.


Dissolution of Westminster Procurement Service


Councillor Hug introduced the report explaining that the Westminster Procurement Service had not traded since 2018 and that the Shareholder Committee recommends to Cabinet that the company is wound up.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendations set out on page 7 of the Cabinet report pack:


·                 That Westminster Procurement Services Limited be dissolved with any share capital remaining after legal and professional fees being returned to the Council.


·                 That the Council, as sole shareholder, passes a resolution to formally close down Westminster Procurement Services Limited by way of an application to strike off the company from the Companies Register



You can view the full Shareholder Committee Report here.


Westminster Builds Registered Provider Status pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Report of the Shareholder Committee


Cabinet approved the following recommendation(s):




That Cabinet approves the incorporation of new company within Westminster Builds structure which will apply to become a Registered Provider and, subject to approval of the Regulator of Social Housing, hold Westminster Builds’ affordable housing.


Reasons for Decision


The Council has secured grant from the Greater London Assembly’s (GLA) Affordable Homes programme across several development projects. This grant supports the funding required for the construction of social and intermediate rent homes.

The grant is conditional on funded homes being held by a Registered Provider which the Council qualifies as but Westminster Builds does not. As the Council’s current approach is for social homes to be retained within the HRA and intermediate homes to be transferred to Westminster Builds, the Council cannot currently comply with the GLA’s funding requirements and fully access the GLA grant.


While this has not prevented drawing down grant on homes under construction by the Council, a solution will need to be in place prior to the disposal and purchase of completed intermediate homes to Westminster Builds.


You can view the report to Shareholder Committee here



Westminster Registered Provider Status


Councillor Hug invited Councillor Matt Noble, Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters to comment on the proposed incorporation of a new company into Westminster Builds to act as Registered Provider.


Councillor Noble commented that it seems prudent to take this action to maximise the amount of intermediate housing the council can provide.  The benefit of the decision being that it enables the council to capture GLA grant to deliver affordable housing.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendation set out on page 9 of the Cabinet report pack:


                  The incorporation of new company within Westminster Builds structure which will apply to become a Registered Provider and, subject to approval of the Regulator of Social Housing, hold Westminster Builds’ affordable housing.


You can view the report to Shareholder Committee here


Council Response to Future of Westminster Commission Housing Review pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet approved the recommendations below.



Cabinet is asked to approve the proposed responses to the Commission’s Housing Review headline recommendations (Appendix 1) and instruct officers to integrate the resulting actions within the Housing Service and other relevant services’ work programmes.


Reasons for the Decision

The Council commissioned a review of Housing Management, Housing Supply and Housing Homelessness & Need through the Future of Westminster Commission. Upon review of the Commission’s report, each of the headline recommendations have been considered individually (as outlined in Appendix 1), with a view to accepting, rejecting, modifying or otherwise considering each. The proposed responses are put forward on the basis that they align with the strategic ambitions of the Council.


Council response to the Future of Westminster Commission – Housing Review


Councillor Hug introduced the report and thanked all those who contributed to the review, including the tenants and leaseholder who participated through the Resident’s Panel.


Councillor Hug invited Steve Hilditch, Future of Westminster Commission and Chair of the Housing Review to speak to the Housing Review report.


Cabinet heard that the Housing Review had, amongst other things, supported work to increase the number of social homes, considered the acquisition of temporary accommodation, contributed to the City Plan review plan review and helped to convene the Resident’s Panel.


Councillor Hug asked for any further comments on the Housing Review’s report from Cabinet or officers in attendance.


Councillor Begum thanked Steve Hilditch for the work of the Housing Review and said that she would work with officers to look at how best to incorporate those recommendations into the work of Housing Services.


Councillor Noble thanked the Housing Review for their work and explained that many of the recommendations set out in the report were already being delivered thanks to working with the Commission in real time.


Debbie Jackson, Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing thanked the Commission on behalf of officers for their collaborative approach, commenting that the opportunity for external input by experienced housing practitioners and residents via the Residents Panel had been welcomed.


Councillor Hug asked Debbie Jackson, Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing to introduce the council’s response to the recommendations set out in the Housing Review’s report.


Cabinet heard that many of the recommendations put forward would be incorporated into the Cooperate Housing Improvement Programme (CHIP) in order to deliver the best possible housing service for residents.


Other recommendations would be built into future strategy and business planning which would consider the prioritising of resources as well as procurement issues as Housing Services is reliant on a number of procured services. 


RESOLVED:  Cabinet approved the following recommendation set out in section 2, p12 of the Cabinet report pack.


·       Cabinet is asked to approve the proposed responses to the Commission’s Housing Review headline recommendations (Appendix 1) and instruct officers to integrate the resulting actions within the Housing Service and other relevant services’ work programmes.




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To dispose of any other business as necessary