Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 17th May, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Westminster Council House, 97-113 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PT

Contact: Janis Best, Committee and Councillor Support Manager  Email: Tel: 07971 920521


No. Item


Election of Chair


1.1      Proposed by Councillor Adam Hug and seconded by Councillor Ellie Ormsby that Councillor Paul Fisher be elected Chair of Full Council.


1.2      Upon a show of hands, the Chief Executive declared that Councillor Paul Fisher had been elected Chair.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Paul Fisher be elected Chair of Full Council.



Election of Lord Mayor

(a)            To elect the Lord Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)           Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the newly elected Lord Mayor.



2.1      Proposed by Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg and seconded by Councillor Ruth Bush that Councillor Patricia McAllister be elected Lord Mayor of Westminster for the ensuing year.


2.2      Upon a show of hands, the Chair of the meeting, Cllr Paul Fisher declared that Councillor Patricia McAllister had been elected Lord Mayor.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Patricia McAllister be elected Lord Mayor of Westminster for the ensuing year.


Councillor Patricia McAllister thereupon made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Lord Mayor and of the Office of Deputy High Steward of Westminster. Having done so, she took the Chair and thanked the Council for her election and reported that Ellis McAllister and Kevin Murphy would be her Consorts.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council meeting held on 8 March 2023.



3.1      RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 March 2023 were, with the assent of the Members present, signed by the Lord Mayor as a true record.



Lord Mayor's Communications

(a)        Notification by the Lord Mayor of appointment of the Lord Mayor’s Chaplain.


(b)        Other Communications (if any).



4.1      The Lord Mayor announced that she had appointed Rev’d Dr Michael Jarmulowicz as her Chaplain. The Chaplain then led the Council in a moment of reflection.



Presentation of Past Lord Mayor's Badge and Vote of Thanks

(a)       To present the past Lord Mayor’s badge and other insignia.

(b)        Vote of Thanks.


5.1      The Lord Mayor was due to present the Past Lord Mayor’s Badge and Vote of Thanks to Cllr Taouzzale and his Consorts.  However, it was explained that due to a family bereavement Cllr Taouzzale was unable to be present, the Lord Mayor passed on the Council’s best wishes to him and his family and confirmed that the presentation would be moved to a future Council meeting. 



Report for Full Council: Key Decisions - Use of Special Urgency Procedure 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To note the report on the executive decisions taken in the circumstances set out in Rule 14 (special urgency) in the preceding year.


6.1          The report was noted.



Constitutional Matters pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To receive and consider the report and recommendations of the Director of Law as to the appointment and proportional allocation of places on Standing Committees to the Political Groups on the Council in accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 (as amended) and as to the appointment of members to Committees in accordance with those regulations.


Additional documents:


7.1      The report of the Director of Law was submitted.


7.2      The Lord Mayor put the recommendations set out in the report to the vote and on a show of hands declared these to be AGREED.




1.        That the Council determined the allocation of places on the standing committees and noted the names of the Members appointed to them, following notification by the respective Party Whips, as detailed in Appendix A of the report.


2.        That the Council confirmed the proportional division of seats on the Standing Committees as set out below:








Audit and Performance Committee 

General Purposes Committee 

Westminster Scrutiny Commission 

Communities, City Management and Air Quality P&S 

Children & Adults, Public Health & Voluntary Sector P&S 

Finance, Planning and Economic Development P&S 

Climate Action, Housing and Regeneration P&S 

Standards Committee 

Pensions Fund Committee 

Planning & City Development Committee 


Licensing Committee 






Target number (and variance) 


47 (+1) 

34 (-1)