Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee (5) - Thursday 28th October, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: This is a virtual Teams Meeting

Contact: Sarah Craddock, Committee and Councillor Support Co-ordinator  Email: Tel: 0779098018


No. Item



To report any changes to the membership.


1.1       There were no changes to the Membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


2.1       There were no declarations of interest.


Additional Info. Pack Front Page


Wands and Wizards Exploratorium, 26 Greek Street, W1D 5DE pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

West End

West End*


Wands & Wizards Exploratorium, 26 Greek St, W1D 5DE

Variation to a Premises Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 28 October 2021


Membership:           Councillor Murad Gassanly (Chairman), Councillor Barbara Arzymanow and Councillor Aziz Toki


Officer Support:  Legal Adviser:           Steve Burnett

                           Policy Officer:           Kerry Simpkin

Committee Officer:   Sarah Craddock

                           Presenting Officer:   Roxsana Haq


Application for Variation of a Premises Licence in respect of Wands

& Wizard Exploratorium, 26 Greek Street, London, W1D 5DE - 21/06502/LIPV


                                           FULL DECISION



Wands & Wizard Exploratorium

26 Greek Street


W1D 5DE (The Premises)




The Blind Phoenix Ltd

Represented by Jack Spiegler (Thomas and Thomas Solicitors), Matthew Cortland and Rafael Karam (Applicants)  


Cumulative Impact Area?


West End




West End


Proposed Application


The application seeks the following:


To Regularise changes to the authorised layout of the premises as shown on the plans

appended to the application, including the addition of the basement and third floor to the

licence demise.


Add the following associated works condition:


“No licensable activities shall take place at the premises until the licensing authority are

satisfied that the premises is constructed or altered in accordance with the appropriate

provisions of the District Surveyor’s Association – Technical Standards for Places of

Entertainment and the reasonable requirements of Westminster Environmental Health

Consultation Team, at which time this condition shall be removed from the licence by the

licensing authority. Amended plans shall be substituted and lodged with the Licensing

Authority in the event there has been minor changes to layout.”


Add the following new condition to the premises licence:


“The licensable activities authorised by this licence and provided at the premises shall

be ancillary to the main function of the premises as a shop and venue providing magical

and theatrical entertainment.”


Replace existing premises licence condition 17 with the following:


Alcohol may only be supplied to:


a) Persons attending a pre booked and bona fide private:

(i) magical/theatrical experience;

(ii) class or seminar;

(iii) function or event; or

b) Persons on the ground, first, second or third floors which shall operate as a


(i) in which customers are shown to their table,

(ii) where the supply of alcohol is by waiter or waitress service only,

(iii) which provide food in the form of substantial table meals that are prepared on the

premises and are served and consumed at the table using non disposable crockery,

(iv) which do not provide any take away service of food or drink for immediate


(v) which do not provide any take away service of food or drink after 23:00 and

(vi) where alcohol shall or be sold or supplied, otherwise than for consumption by

persons who are seated in the restaurant and bona fide taking substantial table meals there and provided always that the consumption of alcohol by such persons is ancillary to taking such meals; or


Notwithstanding condition [17], alcohol may be supplied before 21:00 on the ground,

first, second or third floors by up to a maximum at any one time of 20 seated persons.


Amend existing condition  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


The Clarendon Members Club, 4 Clarendon Terrace, W9 1BZ pdf icon PDF 5 MB


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

Little Venice



The Clarendon Members Club, 4 Clarendon Terrace, W9 1BZ

New Club Premises Certificate


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:




Thursday 28 October 2021


Membership:           Councillors Murad Gassanly (Chairman), Barbara Arzymanow and Aziz Toki


Officer Support:       Legal Advisor:         Steve Burnett

                                Policy Officer:          Kerry Simpkin

                                Committee Officer:  Sarah Craddock

                                Presenting Officer:  Roxsana Haq



Application Club Premises Certificate in respect of The Clarendon Members Club, 4 Clarendon Terrace, London, W9 1BZ - 21/05518/LICN


Full Decision




The Clarendon Members Club

 4 Clarendon Terrace

London, W9 1BZ




Mordecai Sassoon

Represented by Mr Monty Sassoon (Applicant)


Cumulative Impact Area?


The Premises is not located in a Cumulative Impact Area




Little Venice


Proposed Licensable Activities


·       A Club Premises Certificate (CPC) to cover the basement, ground and first floor.


·       Supply and sale of alcohol ‘On’ the premises from 11.00 to 23:00 hours Monday to Sunday


·       live and recorded music and anything of a similar description to that falling within Live Music, Recorded Music, Performance of Dance (All indoors) from 11.00 to 23:00 hours Monday to Sunday


·       Opening and closing from 11.00 to 23:00 hours Monday to Sunday


Following consultation, the applicant withdrew live music from the application.


Representations Received


·       Environmental Health (“EH”) (Anil Drayan)

·       Paddington Waterways and Maida Vale Society

Represented by Mr Richard Brown, Licensing Lawyer, Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau)

·       Little Venice Management (Lizzie Peskin)

·       Councillor Melvyn Caplan (representing local resident)

·       Forty-three local residents objecting to the application (Angela Irving, Ajay Gupta and Alan Brown in attendance at the hearing)


Summary of issues raised by objectors


·       The Environmental Health Services has concerns that the Sale and Supply of Alcohol and for the hours requested may lead to an increase in Public Nuisance in the area and the provision of the Regulated Entertainments and for the hours requested may also lead to an increase in Public Nuisance in the area.


·       The residents have concerns about noise caused by members and their guests, entertainment and traffic including taxis. They also express concerns about customer parking in the area, dispersal, criminal damage, trespassing, customer smokers and contend that this is an inappropriate location for a member’s club. The Sub-Committee noted that were forty-three residential objections. 


Policy Position


Westminster Statement of Licensing Policy was considered including, QUC1, HRS1, CH1, PN1 and CD1.


Summary of Application


This is an application for a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”). The Premises already has the benefit of a Premises Licence. The Clarendon is to be an exclusive club for paid members which in turn provides entertainment for its members at exclusive events. The premises is located in Little Venice Ward but not within the West End Cumulative Impact Zone nor Special Consideration Zone.


There is a resident count of approximately 268.




Having considered all the submissions made by all parties, the Licensing Sub-Committee decided to grant the application subject to additional conditions.


The Licensing Officer introduced the application and confirmed that following consultation the applicant had subsequently withdrawn live music from the application.  The Licensing Officer advised that there had been forty-three residential representations against the application including  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.