Agenda item

Development Site At 1-11 And 13-15 Carteret Street, 40 Broadway, London


Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide two office buildings ranging from one to eight storeys (plus basement) with retail unit at part ground and basement level for Class A1 (shop) or Class A3 (restaurant) and other associated works. (Site includes 1-11, 13-15 Carteret Street And 40 Broadway).


Additional representations were received from Simply Planning (05/07/18) and three local residents (04/07/18 and 05/07/18).


Late representations were received from Tellon Capital (04/07/18 and 06/07/18), Blake Morgan (04/07/18) and one local resident 905/07/18).


Councillor Tim Mitchell addressed the Sub-Committee in his capacity as a Ward Member.


The presenting officer tabled the following additional and amended conditions:



Additional condition

You must not start any demolition work on site until we have approved either:


(a)       a construction contract with the builder to complete the redevelopment work for which we have given planning permission on the same date as this consent, or

(b)       an alternative means of ensuring we are satisfied that demolition on the site will only occur immediately prior to development of the new building.


You must only carry out the demolition and development according to the approved arrangements.


Additional condition

You must not carry out demolition work unless it is part of the complete development of the site. You must carry out the demolition and development without interruption and according to the drawings we have approved.  (C29BB)


Additional condition

Prior to occupation of the ground and basement unit approved for either Class A1 or Class A3 use, you must provide the supply and extract ductwork shown on Drawings P17-111-3350 P1, P17-111-3351 P1 and P17-111-3352 P1. 


Amended condition 33

You must provide the environmental sustainability features (environmentally friendly features) set out in the Energy and Sustainability Statement and Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy before you start to use any part of the development.  Thereafter you must not remove any of these features unless we have given you our permission in writing.


Amended condition 8

You must apply to us for approval of detailed drawings of the following parts of the development:


a) Typical bay studies (drawn elevations and sections at 1:20);

b) Windows and doors (drawn elevations and sections at 1:5, including surrounding fabric);

c) Shopfronts (drawn elevations and sections at 1:10, including surrounding fabric); and

d) Balustrade and gate details.

(e) Any external lighting.

(f) The rear elevation of the South building.

(g) Public art including retention of mosaic.


You must not start any work on these parts of the development until we have approved what you have sent us.  You must then carry out the work according to these approved details.  (C26DB)




That conditional permission, as amended, be granted, subject to:


1)            The following additional conditions:


(i)            Access to the terraces located on the north building be restricted to only emergency escape or for maintenance purposes only;

(ii)          Any Class A3 (restaurant) unit to be serviced only from Broadway with servicing and deliveries for the South building offices and any A1 (retail) use taking place from the loading bay; and

(iii)         Further elements of public art to be included in the development in additional to the enhanced setting of the existing mosaic.


2)            The views of the Mayor and a S106 Agreement to secure the following:


(i)            Financial payment of £45,360 towards the council’s Carbon Offset Fund (index linked and payable on commencement of development)

(ii)          Employment and Training Strategy

(iii)         Crossrail Funding SPG payment of £246,560 (index linked and payable on commencement of development)

(iv)         Highway works on Carteret Street to include works to reinstate footway and repaving adjacent to the site and to Broadway to facilitate provision of service bay.

(v)          The setting up of a Stakeholder Liaison Group for the duration of the development

(vi)      Monitoring Costs


3)        That if the S106 legal agreement had not been completed within three months of the date of the Committee resolution, then:


a)         The Director of Planning should consider whether the permission can be issued with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If this was possible and appropriate, the Director of Planning was authorised to determine and issue such a decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not


b)         The Director of Planning should consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that it had not proved possible to complete an agreement within an appropriate timescale, and that the proposals were unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Director of Planning was authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers.


4)        The Environmental Inspectorate be requested to undertake public consultation on the proposed Site Environmental Management Plan before its agreement.

Supporting documents: