Agenda item

Finance Period 3 and Quarter 1 Performance Business Plan Monitoring Report

Report of the City Treasurer and the Director of Policy, Performance and Communications


5.1     Dave Hodgkinson, Assistant City Treasurer, introduced the contents of the period 3 finance report which provided details of the forecast outturn in respect of revenue and capital and projected revenue and capital expenditure by Cabinet Member including key risks and opportunities.  The report also included details in relation to the revenue and capital expenditure for the housing revenue account. 


          Forecast Outturn by Cabinet Portfolio


5.2     Members requested further clarification in respect of forecast Special Education Needs (SEN) spending where there was a forecast overspend of £0.350m and service demand pressures for SEN transport of £0.261m. It was explained that Westminster’s transient population makes it difficult to forecast requirements and that it can only take one child to significantly impact on the budget.


5.3     With regards to the Place Shaping and Planning Cabinet portfolio, members noted that there are £0.500m of opportunities from Development Planning which relate to vacant posts. Members suggested that consultation is undertaken with Development Planning regarding its staffing requirements before any decisions on these vacant posts are made.


          Capital – Forecast Outturn


5.4     The Committee noted with concern that there is still a significant underspend in the Council’s general fund operational capital projects compared to approved budget. Members expressed the view that compared to development projects, which can be complex, there was less obvious justification for slippage in operational projects which relate to current stock and are largely small in nature.


5.5     Damian Highwood, Evaluation and Performance Manager introduced the contents of the Quarter 1 performance report which presented detailed results of the period April to June 2018 against the 2018/19 Business Plans.  The report provided explanations and commentary in respect of outstanding, good and poor performance including achievements of targets and details of remedial action being taken where appropriate.


5.6     Mr Highwood explained that the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the quarter were based on the 2017/18 target ranges. KPIs were being reviewed and the results of outturns against the 2018/19 target ranges would be reported on in the next quarter’s monitoring report.






1.          Provide a breakdown of the specific variances in each general fund capital project in future finance reports. (Action for: Dave     Hodgkinson, Assistant City Treasurer)


Performance Monitoring


1.          KPIs for attention - Is the 4% target for STI screens undertaken in a           community setting appropriate?


2.               KPIs for attention - How is the failure to meet the streets lighting defects targets and call-back regarding noise complaints impacting Westminster’s residents?


3.               Featured analysis: Greener City - What air quality data and carbon emissions data does the Council hold and what actual real impacts have the greener city initiatives made to the air quality in the city?


          4.       Adult Social Care and Public Health - How is the Council monitoring          safeguarding issues around Adults in light of the changes in shared           service arrangements?


          5.       Children’s Services - What is being done for the 40% of carers at Q1         that are NEET?


6.       City Management and Communities - What KPIs and performance monitoring is there for policing following the planned BCU merger?


7.       Growth, Planning and Housing – Provide an update on the mitigation         actions around facilities management’s failure to maintain a Health &     Safety compliant portfolio.


8.       Policy, Performance and Communications - What % of the Council’s          events revenue is at risk and what is the actual impact?


          9.       The Committee would like future reports to include the top quartile figures instead of the average when benchmarking performance.


(Action for: Mo Rahman and Damian Highwood, Evaluation and Performance team)


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