Agenda item

Arthur Court Car Park Queensway London W2 5HW


Use of the former car park on the lower ground (basement) and upper ground (ground) floors of the building to self-storage use (Class B8), ancillary office space, internal car parking, internal and external cycle parking, associated external alterations to the facade, forecourt and pavement.


An additional representation was received from a local resident (19.01.21).


The presenting officer tabled the following changes to Condition 11.




25 January 2022


Item 4 – Arthur Court


Change to Condition 11


Condition should read:

The design and structure of the building shall be of such a standard that it will protect residents within the same building or in adjoining buildings from noise and vibration from the development, so that they are not exposed to noise levels indoors of more than 35 dB LAeq 16 hrs daytime and of more than 30 dB LAeq 8 hrs in bedrooms at night. Inside bedrooms 45 dB L Amax is not to be exceeded more than 15 times per night-time from sources other than emergency sirens.  (C49BB)


Instead of the published condition:

The design and structure of the building shall be of such a standard that it will protect residents within it from existing external noise so that they are not exposed to levels indoors of more than 35 dB LAeq 16 hrs daytime and of more than 30 dB LAeq 8 hrs in bedrooms at night.  (C49AA)


Robin Greenwood addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


Gideon Levy addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.




1.     That conditional permission, as amended, be granted subject to a legal agreement to secure the following:

a)Highway works outside the site in Queensway to facilitate access to the development.


2.     If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed within six weeks of the date of this resolution then:

a) The Director of Place Shaping and Planning shall consider whether it will be possible or appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Place Shaping and Planning is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not;

b) The Director of Place Shaping and Planning shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that it has not proved possible to complete an agreement within an appropriate timescale, and that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so the Director of Place Shaping and Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers


3.     That an additional condition be included which requires staff to be on site at all times that the facility is open, and that Condition 5 be amended to allow opening only between 08:00 – 22:00 and requirement that roller shutters are properly maintained.


4.     That an informative be included which requires the operators’ details to be made available to local residents.


5.     That a condition securing the finish of the shopfront matches the magnolia of the existing windows be attached.


Supporting documents: