Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Young People and Learning - Portfolio Update Report

To receive an update report from the Cabinet Member on current and forthcoming issues in this portfolio.


5.1       The Committee received a written update from the Cabinet Member for Young People and Learning, who thanked the Committee and Co-Opted Members for convening at the Call-In meeting held on 7 March 2022.


5.2       In response to a Member’s query on the Afghan refugees, it was confirmed that the London Metropole hotel was no longer housing families. All primary aged children had now found a school place. Schools, support staff and care workers were thanked for their help in supporting parents and children throughout the process.


5.3       Members raised concerns about the reduction in school funding and how this would impact on the maintenance of nursery schools and safeguarding issues. It was confirmed that this was under discussion, but that it was not a council-led decision. The underlying issues were due to the diminishing population around London, leading to excess places in schools. Details on this could be provided by Ian Heggs, Bi-Borough Director of Education.


5.4       A Co-Opted Member queried the reduction in SEN funding for primary schools, citing concerns that it would impact on the support available for children as well as on schools already experiencing financial issues. It was confirmed that this would require joint work between the schools and the Council to look at the distribution of funds and how to adjust budgets accordingly. Discussions were currently ongoing in this area.


5.5       A Co-Opted Member queried whether primary schools would be included in future events during Children’s Mental Health Week, citing a move to implement early intervention in schools. The Cabinet Member confirmed the Council was working on early intervention and would continue investing funds to support this.


5.6       In response to a Co-Opted Member’s request for City-wide data on school reception applications for September, the Cabinet Member confirmed that this would not be available until May.


5.7       Members queried about the Council’s preparedness for Ukrainian children refugees. It was reported that of the many applications submitted by UK households expressing interest in housing refugees, only 1% of those approved were from City residents. It was confirmed that the Council would receive Government funding to conduct background checks on applicants and to provide support for children’s services. At the current time, there were not as many families with children that had arrived, but it was anticipated that there would be enough school places available for any families that required one.


5.8       Members requested an update on library services in the City, following concerns that there may be cuts. The Cabinet Member confirmed that there would be no cuts to funding or frontline service provisions. It was also stated that there were no plans to close any of the City’s libraries (including Mayfair and the archives centre). It was confirmed that investment into the archives had been increased to enable digitising to continue.


5.9       In response to a query on the Bridging the Gap Project and the need to address underlying issues, it was explained that the focus was on developing trust to get to the root causes and better understand what support an individual may require.


5.10     Members queried whether the Faith Exchange and other faith organisations could be included as contacts for the Holiday Activity and Food Fund. It was agreed that this was a possibility and welcomed details to be forwarded on for consideration. It was also confirmed that the funding for the scheme would be for 3 years.


5.11     RESOLVED: That the Committee note the continued work and forthcoming issues in this portfolio.



1.         Ian Heggs to provide a detailed update on school funding cuts (inc. SEND) at a future Committee meeting.

2.         To include the Westminster Faith Exchange as a contact for the Holiday Activity and Food Fund (HAF). (Cllr Bush to Cabinet Member)

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