Agenda item

Development site at 26-46 Lisson Grove and 18 Hayes Place, London, NW1 6TT


Part retention of existing basement walls and demolition of ground and upper floors at 26-46 Lisson Grove and 18 Hayes Place, and redevelopment to provide a seven-storey building with a single storey basement comprising: office space and retail space commercial uses (Class E), alterations to public realm, servicing, ancillary plant, storage, cycle parking and other associated works.


The presenting officer circulated prior to the meeting the following amendments to the conditions highlighted in bold:


Amend condition 32


The areas shaded in grey and labelled as terraces on the plans hereby approved shall only be used between the hours of 07:00 - 20:00 21:00 Monday to Friday. The roofs of the building not marked as terraces shall not be accessible outside of these hours for sitting out or for any other purpose. You can however use the roofs for maintenance or to escape in an emergency at any time.


Amend condition 33


Prior to occupation, an Operational Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council to indicate how the roof terraces will be managed, to include no amplified or other music shall be played on roof terraces. The terraces will then be managed in accordance with the plan for the lifetime of the development, or in accordance with any replacement Operational Management Plan, approved first in writing.


An additional representation was received from Viridis (09.11.22).


A late representation was received from a local resident (14.11.22).


The presenting officer tabled the following amendment to the draft decision letter:


Add informative 25:

In relation to condition 5 part (c), the post-construction tab of the GLA's Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessment template should be completed in line with the GLA's Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessment Guidance: LPG document template (green) ( To support the results provided in the template, the following minimum evidence requirements should be submitted at the same time:


a) site energy (including fuel) use record,

b) contractor confirmation of as-built material quantities and specifications,

c) record of material delivery including distance travelled and transportation mode (including materials for temporary works),

d) waste transportation record including waste quantity, distance travelled and transportation mode (including materials for temporary works) broken down into material categories used in the assessment,

e) a list of product-specific EPDs for the products that have been installed.


The data collected at this stage will provide an evidence base that could help inform future industrywide benchmarks or performance ratings for building typologies. The postconstruction assessment should be submitted to the GLA at:, along with any supporting evidence as per the guidance. A copy and confirmation of submission to the GLA shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority, prior to occupation of the development.


Councillor Rigby declared that he had a prejudicial interest in the application and therefore left the room during the consideration of this item.


James Hilton addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.




1)              That conditional permission, as amended, be granted subject to:


a)              Condition 28 being amended in order to require that the details of the goods entrance be approved; and


b)              Completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the following:


i)                Provision of a financial contribution of £315,294.37 (index linked) to provide employment, training and skills development for local residents;


ii)               Highways works necessary to facilitate the proposed development including stopping up and dedication;


iii)             Provision of a financial contribution of £99,252 to the Carbon Offset Fund (index linked) payable prior to the commencement of development;


iv)             Be Seen energy monitoring; and


v)              The costs of monitoring the S106 legal agreement.


2)        That if the S106 legal agreement had not been completed within six weeks of the date of the Sub-Committee’s resolution, then:


a)        The Director of Town Planning and Building Control should consider whether it would be possible and appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning was authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not;


b)        The Director of Town Planning and Building Control should consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals were unacceptable in the absence of the benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning was authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers.


3)        That the making of a draft order pursuant to s247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the stopping up of parts of the public highway to enable this development to take place be authorised.


4)        That the Director of City Highways, Executive Director of Environment and City Management, or other such proper officer of the City Council responsible for highway functions, be authorised to take all necessary procedural steps in conjunction with the making of the orders and to make the orders as proposed if there are no unresolved objections to the draft orders.

Supporting documents: