Agenda item

6 The Lane, London, NW8 OPN


Demolition of rear of building including extensions; construction of new part-one, part-two storey side and rear extension, excavation of a basement, construction of new front porch, reduction and reconfiguration of size of existing outdoor swimming pool, construction of new out building in rear garden, installation of air source heat pump system in garden. Construction of a new garden wall and associated



The presenting officer tabled the following changes to the Draft Decision Notice and additional Conditions.


Item 5 - 6 The Lane, London, NW8 OPN


Report Clarification


Summary and Key Considerations (Section 2 of report) to read:

Objections have been received from 9 residents and the St John’s Wood Society on the grounds of overdevelopment, detailed design, impact on symmetry of buildings and impact on the St John’s Wood Conservation Area, the bulk and massing of the extension resulting in impact on amenity including loss of sunlight/daylight to neighbouring buildings and overlooking, noise and disruption during the course of works and the impact on trees.


This paragraph originally referenced 4 objections were received and that there was an impact to adjacent listed buildings, where there are no listed buildings adjacent.


Conclusion (Section 10 of report) to read:


The proposal is considered acceptable in design terms, mindful of policies 38, 39, 40 and 45 of the Westminster City Plan 2019-2040 (April 2021). The proposals are considered to preserve the appearance of the host property and contributes to the character and appearance of the St Johns Wood Conservation Area, a designated heritage asset. The proposal would also be compliant with the requirements of the NPPF and the statutory duties of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


Minor Changes/ Additions to Decision Notice:


Condition 13 to read: 

You must apply to us for approval of detailed drawings and a bio-diversity management plan in relation to the green roof to include construction method, layout, species and maintenance regime.


You must not commence works on the relevant part of the development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must carry out this work according to the approved details and thereafter retain and maintain in accordance with the approved management plan.


Addition of Condition 15 to read:

You must apply to us for approval of  detailed drawings at a scale of 1:20 and 1:5 of the following parts of the development:

- all new windows, doors, rooflights and in the case of the rooflights their method of opening.


You must not start any work on these parts of the development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then carry out the work according to these detailed drawings.  (C26DB)


Henri Bredenkamp addressed the committee in support of the application.


Farid Alizadeh addressed the committee in objection of the application.


Sophie Raibin addressed the committee in objection of the application.


Natalia Tsupryk addressed the committee in objection of the application.


Ludovico Zanette addressed the committee in objection of the application.





That conditional permission as amended subject to additional conditions be granted.



Supporting documents: