Agenda item

Any Other Business Which The Chairman Considers Urgent


8.1       The Committee welcomed Heidi Titcombe to the meeting. Ms Titcombe’s role is Principal Solicitor and Manager (Planning, Highways and Licensing Team) following a shared legal services department being formed as part of the Tri-borough working arrangements.


8.2       The Chairman informed the Committee that there had been a meeting of Members and officers to discuss the statement of licensing policy review.  The consultation responses received had been carefully considered and a direction of travel agreed.  Mr Wroe added that it was intended that approval for the revised statement of licensing policy document would be sought from Council at the November 2015 meeting. 


8.3       The Chairman stated that the current position regarding the Police sergeant and constable in the Westminster Police Licensing Team who had been arrested was that no charges had yet been brought against them.  It was expected to be a long investigation.  She had been advised that no licensing officers were suspected of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office as part of the investigation.


8.4      The Chairman advised the Committee that she was introducing a dress code for Members and officers at Licensing Committee and Licensing Sub-Committee meetings.  This assisted in demonstrating that the meetings were being conducted in a professional manner and that the meetings and those who attended were being treated with the necessary respect.  She added that she would expect men to wear jackets and ties and women to wear suits.  The Chairmen of the Licensing Sub-Committee meetings had the option to excuse a Member or officer should they feel that they were not suitably attired.


8.5       The Chairman referred to the fact that Councillor Burbridge had asked a question regarding City Inspectors at the meeting of Council the previous week.  She advised Members that following the reorganisation process, there were 45 City Inspectors working at all times in the West End.  They were not simply licensing inspectors but were involved, as part of their remit, in licensing matters.  City Inspectors included those who had previously been wardens and those who had been licensing inspectors.  David Hine, Acting Service Manager, added that following the restructuring, there were 6 City Inspectors who had previously been licensing inspectors working in the West End City Co-ordination Team.  For the first three months, the six officers had been training their new colleagues on licensing matters.  That process was now complete.  There were currently 13 vacancies across the City Inspector teams, taking account of those in the West End teams and those attached to the residential and commercial teams.  There was a second round of recruitment being undertaken during the current week.  Once this was completed, the programme of inspections would be fully up to speed.  There would be greater flexibility than previously as the City Inspectors would be working to a rota which covered every day and night of the week.  The licensing inspectors had predominantly worked Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  Councillor Burbridge expressed some concerns that the licensing inspectors who had left had built up working relationships over a number of years with licensed premises.  She sought confirmation that the training given to the City Inspectors was comprehensive.  The Chairman assured her that the training had been very robust and that she had been involved with the process.  The new regime would be of benefit to the running of the West End with City Inspectors operating seven nights a week rather than Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  The feedback she was receiving was that the new City Inspectors had hit the ground running.  They did need to gain experience but this was being gained on the job and they were working with knowledgeable and experienced former licensing inspectors.  Councillor Acton asked Mr Hine whether other areas away from West End such as Edgware Road were being adequately covered by the City Inspectors.  Mr Hine confirmed that they would operate effectively throughout the borough.