Agenda item

Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order for the Ebury Bridge Estate, Ebury Bridge Road (See Report of the Head of Development, Growth, Planning and Housing)

Report of the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing.


The Leader varied the order of the Agenda so that this item was considered in Part 1 (Public) part of the meeting.




(i)       That Appendices G, H1, H2 and I to the report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended) in that these documents contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


(ii)      That the Cabinet agree to the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order under s.226(1)(a), s.227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), s.13 and s.15 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 in accordance with the procedures in the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and to create new rights facilitating the development (and refurbishment of part) of the Ebury Bridge Estate, as defined by the CPO redline plan (see Appendix A) and other relevant powers to acquire all outstanding land and interests within the redline plan of the site.  The Cabinet noted that the redline plan is indicative at this stage pending further due diligence.


(iii)      That the Cabinet delegate power to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing authority in consultation with the Director of Law to approve the Statement of Reasons, the Order Map (the attached plan is indicative only pending further due diligence) and Order Schedule and any other supporting documentation as is necessary to finalise before submission, to commence the CPO process and effect any other procedural requirements including (but not limited to) the publication and service of all notices and the presentation of the Council’s case in the event of a Public Inquiry.


(iv)     That the Cabinet delegate power to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing authority to acquire any interests in land within the Order area by agreement and the making of payments equivalent to statutory compensation or additional payments as are deemed reasonable in the circumstances and the provision of property or services in lieu of compensation in consultation with the Director of Law, in contemplation of the Order being made.


(v)      That the Cabinet delegate power to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing working with the Director of Law in consultation with the Cabinet Members to ensure that if the CPO is confirmed it is implemented and to take all necessary steps to implement these recommendations finalising the terms of the proposed arrangements in accordance with the terms set out in this report.


(vi)     That if the CPO is confirmed power is delegated to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing to settle the compensation amounts payable to acquire such interests where voluntary agreement cannot be reached.


(vii)     That the Cabinet authorise officers to take all the necessary steps to implement these recommendations.


Reasons for Decision


1.       The Estate is one of five priority housing estates identified in the City Council’s Housing Renewal Strategy 2010, noted as being in need of improvement and significant investment over the next five years.


2.               There is a compelling case in the public interest to proceed with a CPO to allow the redevelopment of the Estate to proceed.


3.       Redevelopment of the Estate will significantly improve the area in a manner consistent with the Council’s resolution to grant planning permission dated 10th June 2014 and with the adopted planning framework for the borough.


Supporting documents: