Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Westminster 2017 - 2022 implementation

To consider an update on the implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Westminster 2017 – 2022.


4.1       Councillor Rachael Robathan introduced the item and emphasised the magnitude of the work that had been undertaken in producing the Westminster Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2017 – 2022. The strategy was now in the process of implementation and the report detailed the various processes proposed to achieve this.


4.2       Ezra Wallace (Head of Corporate Policy and Strategy) then presented the report and provided Members with an update since the strategy had been formally adopted by the Board, the Cabinet and NHS Central London and NHS West London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). He advised that the strategy was focused on local priorities within the sub-regional priorities of the North West London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and to support its delivery, the Board had agreed to jointly develop an implementation plan. The report proposed an approach to develop the implementation plan and included the Council’s draft plans for 2017-2018. Ezra Wallace advised that an officer level implementation group would lead on delivering the implementation plan and the following members were proposed:


·         Officer from  NHS Central London CCG

·         Officer from  NHS West London CCG

·         Tri-borough Health and Wellbeing Board Manager

·         Officer from the Council’s Policy and Strategy Unit

·         Officer from Public Health Intelligence

·         Representative from Healthwatch

·         Representative from the Voluntary and Community Sector


4.3       Ezra Wallace informed Members that the implementation group would provide regular informal feedback to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care the Managing Directors of NHS Central London and NHS West London CCGs and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board. Officers would also provide thematic updates to Board meetings, each focusing on one of the four priorities. Performance would be measured in terms of both the measure of progress of commitments and measuring outcomes. Members noted the timeline for the implementation plan as set out in the report.


4.4       Councillor Robathan emphasised that the implementation plan sought to ensure delivery of the strategy, whilst also addressing the overarching themes of the STP and that it was a living plan that would evolve and take on board feedback. A joined-up approach was proposed in terms of governance and the implementation plan.


4.5       Members emphasised the importance of co-ordination between the partner organisations and it was recognised that the strategy was also to be seen within the context of the wider STP for North West London. The work of the delivery areas within the STP should also be looked at to ensure they tied in with the strategy’s priorities. Although some of the deadlines in the implementation plan were quite challenging, it was recognised that these deadlines were not definitive, however every effort should be undertaken to progress the plan. A Member referred to the last Council meeting on 25 January, where it had been recognised that the Council was facing significant pressures in health and social care service services and the Council had endorsed plans to address these, as set out in the strategy as part of the STP. It has also been agreed to use the social care precept for Adult Social Care if this was approved at the next Council meeting on 1 March. The Member added that the financial shortfall in social care was significant and there was a need to have good social care support for Westminster residents. He also referred to the fact that the Samaritan Hospital had been closed for a number of years and this had become a big issue with residents. A Member welcomed voluntary and community sector involvement in the implementation plan and she emphasised the importance in explaining what changes residents would see in practice and also in improving access to health and wellbeing services for young people.


4.6       Chris Neill (Interim Deputy Director, NHS Central London Clinical Commissioning Group) commented that time would be required to look at budgetary considerations and he welcomed a focus on how health and wellbeing centres could support the strategy and also working more closely with housing.


4.7       The Board agreed that a joint implementation paper setting out a clear governance structure and information on the activities being undertaken by NHS Central London and NHS West London CCGs to help deliver the implementation plan be provided at the next meeting.

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