Agenda item


Report of the Director of Policy, Performance and Communications


6.1      The Chairman advised that she had attended a number of conferences recently with officers where they had looked to influence on the benefits of the Evening and Night Time Economy.  She was due later that afternoon to give evidence with Richard Cressey, Principal Policy Officer, to the Greater London Authority’s Economy Committee about the ‘Night Time Economy’.  She would be putting the case there that they should be referring to the ‘Evening and Night Time Economy’.


6.2      Mr Cressey explained that the report set out the process for developing the Council’s own vision and plan for the Evening and Night Time Economy.  However, the subject matter was also important across London and elsewhere in the country.  Westminster’s approach was not limited to the licensing vision but also included economic development, regeneration and planning.      


6.3      Mr Cressey referred to the feedback from the previous meeting of the Licensing Committee in March 2017 being that there was the potential for a full Council discussion on this topic (the next Council meeting after the one on 12 July was not until November).  There had also been discussions regarding the Business Planning and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee and the Adults Health and Public Protection Policy and Scrutiny Committee holding a joint task group in the autumn to look at the evening and night time economy and aspects of the night tube.  There would be a consultation process with councillors, including those who were not on the Licensing Committee and with those whose wards were most affected by the Evening and Night Time Economy.  The Council would consult external stakeholders including businesses with premises licences and also from a retail background, office workers and local residents.


6.4      Mr Cressey commented that the Mayor had his views of what the Evening and Night Time Economy should look like across London.  The Council had its own positive view of what this should look like in the West End and needed to engage in the wider London debate.  Westminster’s Evening and Night Time Economy was the most mature in the country and the Council had a lot of experience of managing it.  This could be shared with other London boroughs that had less experience of managing it and the Council was also able to learn from these other London boroughs.  The Chairman added that the Night Tube was a particular catalyst for the Evening and Night Time Economy in other areas of London.


6.5      Councillor Mitchell recommended that Members contact Mr Cressey if they wished to be involved with the proposed process for developing the Council’s vision as set out in the report.  He added that the St James’s Ward councillors would appreciate having a session where they were consulted on this topic and this was likely to also be the case for the West End Ward councillors.  The Chairman stated that the open sessions for councillors to discuss ideas and thinking that she would be leading with Councillor Cox, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Licensing was now scheduled for September 2017.  This followed key officers being involved with the Grenfell Tower response.


6.6      Councillor Hyams informed those present that she had recently attended a meeting with representatives of the arts market and galleries and they were keen to make their art more accessible.  She was keen on assisting cultural activities via the evening economy.  Museums and galleries could potentially stay open later.  The Chairman made the point that she wanted to encourage people to shop and aid the economy in the borough.  Councillor Acton recommended that there was also a focus on the Edgware Road Evening and Night Time Economy as well as in the West End, including seeking to address the problems there, such as the issues raised by shisha.  She also recommended that the Task and Finish Group which was responsible for developing the detailed thinking, strategy and policy proposals for the Council’s vision include a representative from Public Health.


6.7      Councillor Floru requested that any proposals from the Task and Finish Group were also brought to the Licensing Committee at the next meeting on 29 November.


6.8      In response to Councillor Hyams’ point about assisting cultural activities via the evening economy, Mr Cressey said it was necessary to understand what the current barriers were to the likes of the museums and galleries staying open later into the evening.  One matter that could arise was if these organisations enquired as to the potential for selling alcohol in order to make staying open until later economically viable.  There could potentially be a dialogue as to how this could be made viable to the organisations without it having an adverse impact on the city.  


6.9       RESOLVED: (i) That the Task and Finish Group take into account the comments made by Members of the Licensing Committee; and,


            (ii) That the Committee notes the contents of the report.


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