Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy - a) Engagement Plan; b) Whole Systems Dashboard

To consider a report on the Board’s Engagement Plan and a presentation on the Whole Systems Dashboard.


7.1       Harley Collins (Health and Wellbeing Manager) presented the Engagement Plan and began by advising that it was a joint paper devised by the Council and the Central and West London CCGs. Under the Social Care Act 2012, CCGs and local authorities had a duty, and it was considered best practice to, involve local people in the area for the preparation of both Health and Wellbeing Strategies and Joint Strategic Needs Assessments. This included engaging people in respect of commissioning, including any changes to commissioning that are likely to have a significant impact on health or the services available. In addition, the Best Value Duty requires local authorities a ‘Duty to Consult’ representatives of a wide range of people. Healthwatch also had particular duties in relation to public and patient engagement and advocacy.


7.2       Harley Collins then drew Members’ attention to the benefits of good public engagement as set out in the report, including:


·         Improved understanding of community expectations, needs, concerns and aspirations

·         Improved understanding of the role and contribution of the community

·         Ability to build community support and trust and improve stakeholder relationships

·         Improved community understanding of the Board’s responsibilities and plans

·         Improved credibility of the Board within the community

·         Improved quality of decision-making by the Board

·         An enhanced and informed political process

·         Greater prospects for compliance through increased ownership of a solution and greater community advocacy for a course of action

·         Greater access to community skills and knowledge

·         Improved community understanding of health and wellbeing issues and responsibility for health and wellbeing outcomes.

7.3       Harley Collins stated that public and patient engagement had been a key feature in developing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which had included over a hundred responses to the online and postal consultation survey and 12 community events and public meetings. Overall he felt that the level of engagement had been good and it had been undertaken in a fairly informal manner. The report outlined the framework and principles for all engagement and set out how the performance in delivering the strategy was measured. This includes an ‘Engagement Protocol’ that would enable the Board to be held to account. Harley Collins informed Members that there were 7 engagement principles, these being:


·           Timely

·           Inclusive

·           Transparent

·           Adaptive

·           Co-operative

·           Accountable

·           Continuously improving


7.4       Harely Collins advised that the approach to engagement had been informed by the International Association of Public Participation and wherever possible, those affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process. This would include providing people with the information they require to participate in a meaningful way and to let participants know how their input has affected the decision. To oversee engagement, an Engagement Steering Group would be set up which would include leads from the organisations that were Board Members. Harley Collins then welcomed Members’ comments.


7.5       During Members’ discussions, it was noted that Healthwatch had contributed to the report and the approach to engagement was welcomed. Members commented that there should be further consideration in respect of qualitative issues when measuring performance. The public should be informed about what services are being invested in and given the opportunity to hold the Board to account with regard to the spending. It was suggested that the public should be given the opportunity to provide a response on an annual basis. Members commented that there should be more specific details about engagement activities with younger people. Members welcomed proposals to create an Engagement Steering Group and the Chairman suggested that membership should include a lead from NHS West London CCG. The importance of engaging with those with disabilities was emphasised. Members remarked that the practical experiences of the public should be captured when seeking their responses and a collaborative approach needed to be taken to ensure statutory requirements were met. In welcoming the engagement model, Members expressed support for the intention to maximise transparency, however it was also important to manage expectations. It was also commented that engagement prior to the strategy being produced had been sound, however the challenge was to maintain good engagement in delivering the strategy and measuring its performance.


7.6       In reply to some of the issues raised by Members, Harley Collins concurred that the public should be given the opportunity to review progress in delivering the strategy on an annual basis. Louise Proctor welcome the Chairman’s suggestion that a lead from NHS West London CCG be on the Engagement Steering Group and she stressed the importance of continuous conversation with the public.


7.7       Chris Neill (Interim Deputy Director, NHS Central London Clinical Commissioning Group) advised that the Whole Systems Dashboard had been deferred to the next meeting as an improved version was being developed. It was also noted that Whole Systems Commissioning Intentions was to be considered at the next meeting.


7.8       RESOLVED:


1.        That it be agreed to commit to the principles and approach to all Board engagement activity moving forward.


2.        That list of engagement networks and groups operating in Westminster be noted.

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