Issue - decisions

Queensway Public Realm - Next Steps

23/11/2018 - Queensway Public Realm - Next Steps

That the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Planning and the Cabinet Member for Environment and City Management approve the development of the concept design identified in this report, Appendix 1.

That the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Planning and the Cabinet Member for Environment and City Management approve capital expenditure in the sum of £1,860,927 to develop the design to Stage 3 and implement public realm works on the west side of Queensway between no 73 (currently Sainsbury’s) to Porchester Gardens ahead of the TMO.

That the Cabinet Member for Environment and City Management approves the commencement of the Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultations for the proposed changes to the kerbside management and parking.


In the wake of strong competition from and close proximity to the West End and Westfield, Queensway as a retail centre has somewhat suffered and cannot compete with these major retail hubs.  The City Council agreed that action was needed to ensure Queensway’s future as one of Westminster’s major retail centres and to work closely with the key stakeholders on the initial development of a concept design for the street. The City Council ran a public consultation in 2014 to understand what level of support there was to look to radically improve the public realm to support the investment being made by the landowners.  Local stakeholders were generally supportive of the concept design and the reduction of the car parking. 

To date £4.851million is being secured through the Council’s Capital Programme, CIL and landowner contributions to support the implementation programme for the final approved public realm scheme for Queensway.  There is a further potential £8.6million through S106 agreements linked to commencement of developments. 

If Queensway is to remain a major retail centre, investment in the public realm is required to complement the investment being made by local landowners.  Together this should help to attract interest from new retailers and restauranteurs and ensure that the offer appeals to the local residential community, as well as those that work or visit and stay in the area.