Issue - decisions

Strategic Options for CityWest Homes

17/10/2018 - Strategic Options for CityWest Homes

1.         That it be agreed that urgent steps be taken to return the housing management function outsourced to CityWest Homes (CWH) to the Council’s direct control, as follows:   


1.1      The Council will seek a mutual agreement with CWH to terminate the management agreement with effect from 1st April 2019; and


1.2      In case that mutual agreement cannot be reached then the Council will give unilateral notice to CWH to terminate the management agreement with effect from as soon as possible after 1st April 2019.


1.3      The Council will continue to engage with its tenants and leaseholders on the future provision of housing management services and how these services can improve.


1.4      In line with 1.3 above, the Council will undertake a review of the housing service provision and consult on a potential revised structure for the service with the aim of embedding a new culture centred on high performance and excellent customer service.  This will be in consultation with all relevant parties. 


1.5      That authority be delegated to the Executive Director, Growth, Planning and Housing to take all steps and to execute all documents required to achieve the above outcomes and in order to ensure the smooth transition of the transfer of housing services back in-house. 


1.6      That authority be delegated to the Executive Director, Growth, Planning and Housing to agree in respect of any contract to which CWH is a party and which the Executive Director considers could be of assistance to the council in delivery of the housing management services and performance of its relevant function, that such contact is novated to the council or held on trust for the benefit of the council and that any such novation or trust may be executed on behalf of the council by the Director of Law.

Reasons for Decision


1.      CWH has experienced serious and ongoing service problems in a number of key areas particularly repairs and maintenance, the contact centre and responses to complaints and other queries from residents and Councillors.


2.      It is in the best interests of tenants and leaseholders and in line with feedback from tenants and residents’ groups for the Council to seek a mutual agreement with CWH to terminate the management agreement with effect from 1st April 2019 and transfer housing services back in-house.