Issue - decisions

Expenditure from the Ward Budget for the Westminster Advice Service run by Zaccheaus 2000 Trust

13/02/2019 - Expenditure from the Ward Budget for the Westminster Advice Service run by Zaccheaus 2000 Trust

That the expenditure of £18,150 in respect of the proposal detailed in the report be agreed.


Reasons for Decision


£18,150 will contribute to the salary costs of a full-time casework to deliver the advice and services, to ensure that those most in need of benefits and housing advice can access it. Three sessions will be held each week, for 46 weeks a year. These will be 2-hour sessions held in the Beethoven Centre, Church Street library and Pimlico Advice Hub on the Churchill Gardens Estate. The intention is to fill the gaps where there is less provision available within the advice sector. Services provide include tribunal representation for ESA and PIP claims; housing matters such as suitability reviews and possession proceedings; support in Complex Universal Cases where there are multiple issues; ensuring that clients are receiving the correct benefits; and “wrap-around” support to help clients with other issues such as mental health and language support.


The expected overall cost of the one caseworker’s salary would be £32,759 per annum, which includes the employer’s NICs, and pension contribution of 5%. It is anticipated that a significant amount of this salary will be covered by other grants, secured from funders in Westminster. The shortfall can be made up from core funding. Without Ward budget funding, the service cannot be continued in the borough. Funding has currently been secured from Westminster Amalgamated, Strand Parishes, Hyde Park Estate Charity and the Westminster Foundation.