Issue - decisions

Adoption of the London Living Wage

16/07/2019 - Adoption of the London Living Wage

1.        That the Council takes steps to adopt a Living Wage policy whereby staff working for contractors delivering services on behalf of the Council are paid at least the London Living Wage (LLW) or the National Living Wage outside of London.


2.        The Council continues to pay its own London based staff LLW and to broaden this to apply to its apprentices.


3.        The Council seeks Living Wage Foundation accreditation as a public pledge of its commitment.


4.        That a phased approach to implementation is adopted which means that the Living Wage will be incorporated as contracts are retendered with appropriate legal advice taken on a case by case basis.





1.        The decisions directly supports the City for All priorities, specifically:


- Caring fairer City and
- City of opportunity