Issue - decisions

Lisson Arches Full Business Case

14/12/2021 - Lisson Arches Full Business Case

1.              Recommendations

1.1.         That Part B of this report be exempt from disclosure as it involves the disclosure of information as prescribed by paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule12a to the Local Government Act 1972, (as amended), in that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority).


1.2.         That the Cabinet Members:


·       Approves the award of the Lisson Arches main works contract to United Living (South) Limited as set out in Part B,


·       Authorises total expenditure on the Lisson Arches scheme of £43.387m


·       Authorises the allocation of Affordable Housing Fund of £22.8m to this scheme


·       Authorises Legal Services to negotiate and execute the Lisson Arches main works contract as a deed; and


·       Authorises Legal Services to negotiate and grant a substation lease to UKPN for a term of 99 years at an annual rent of £1.00



2.              Reasons for the Decision

2.1.         An FBC has been produced confirming the current proposals to self-develop the site at Lisson Arches is a Value for Money option that represents a viable proposal from both a Capital and Revenue perspective.


2.2.         Subject to planning permission and other consents, the expenditure and the completion of the Lisson Arches building works will provide a new community supportive housing built to modern standards (HAPPI) and a new enterprise space providing opportunities for the local economy.


2.3.         The Lisson Arches project is an essential steppingstone within the Council’s Lisson Grove Programme because when it is built, it shall provide replacement homes for all the residents currently residing at Penn House, along with additional CSH homes and an Enterprise Space to assist the council’s plans to provide vibrant communities and a thriving economy.


2.4.         Subject to further consents and governance, a vacant Penn House can be used to support the wider Lisson Grove Programme which support the City for All objective and the Church Street Masterplan.