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Policy Guidelines for Discretionary NNDR reliefs, including NNDR Hardship Relief

10/05/2021 - Policy Guidelines for Discretionary NNDR reliefs, including NNDR Hardship Relief

1.              That approval be given to the revised version of the Council’s Policy Guidelines for Discretionary NNDR reliefs as shown at Appendix B to the report.


2.              That approval be given to continue to fund NNDR Hardship claims received before 1 April 2021 but not determined until 2021/22 under the Council’s 30% Business Rate Retention scheme contribution.



1.         The proposal will address the increase in NNDR Hardship relief claims resulting from the pandemic received before 1 April 2021

2.         The report also updates the Council’s Policy Guidelines in terms of the government’s Expanded Retail Discount scheme for 2021/22, which is implemented under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.