Issue - decisions

The Potential Integration of Air Source Heat Pumps at the Ashbridge, Ashmill and Cosway Sites

18/02/2022 - The Potential Integration of Air Source Heat Pumps at the Ashbridge, Ashmill and Cosway Sites

1.        Recommendations

1.1     That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

1.2    That the Cabinet Members:

·      Confirm that Officers should proceed with Option C.


·      Authorise the change from traditional gas heating systems to a more sustainable air source heat pump heating solution regarding the 28 homes at the Ashbridge and Ashmill sites as recommended by Option C.


·      Approve £1.052m of additional budget at the Ashbridge and Ashmill sites to include and cover:

·               Design, Planning and Legal fees, Re-Works (where necessary), Structural Works, Extension of Time including Expense and Contingency

·               Completion of any Legal agreements or variations to permit this change in heating system

·               Consultant fees


·      Authorise £1.052m to be applied for from HRA central capital contingency to cover the additional budget request.


·      Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Growth Planning and Housing working with the Director of Law to:

·               Approve all necessary legal documentation and variations as required for the project. This is including but not limited to, making variations required to the construction contract in order to enable this change



2.        Reasons for Decision 


2.1      Approval of the recommendations contained within this report will help support the Council’s climate emergency (declared in September 2019) and commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions from Council operations by 2030 and across the City by 2040.  As highlighted in the Council’s climate action plan (2021-2040), baseline emissions need to reduce by 8.3% pa (3,700 tonnes CO2e) to achieve this 2030 net zero target.


2.2   This climate action plan states that Westminster has some of the highest

      carbon emissions in the UK, with 15% coming from residential buildings. Therefore, new Council led developments coming forward need to look to reduce carbon emissions where possible.


2.3  Cabinet Member approval is now required across the Ashbridge and Ashmill sites to prevent further abortive works from happening, which unless acted upon imminently will add to further delays to the construction programme and increase scheme costs. These sites will be required to seek necessary planning applications/variations, complete any legal agreements or variations with contractor/suppliers and carry out works to implement the more sustainable air source heat pump heating systems.


3.4 Cabinet Member approval is now required to enable officers to instruct for this change to a more sustainable heating solution to take place. Cabinet Member authority is also required to seek funds from HRA central capital contingency to finance these changes.