ePetition details

Amalgamation of two Catholic schools

We the undersigned petition Westminster City Council to Reconsider the Amalgamation between Westminster Cathedral Primary School and St Vincent De Paul

Westminster Cathedral primary school and St Vincent de Paul are collectively in over £400k debt (WCPS over £250k and SVP over £150k). The board of governors have proposed to amalgamate to be based at the SVP site.

This means children in WCPS have a very uncertain future as the WCPS site have an average of 22 in each class and SVP an average of 26 in each class. There will be more children then the capacity of either school can manage and children along with parents are worried about what the future looks like. We have requested keeping both sites open and ensuring children and siblings are not separated however we are yet to have any certainty about our children’s future and their education.

We must raise awareness of this and attempt to prevent this ever happening again. Parents and staff have been in the dark about the debt owed and there hasn’t been enough transparency.

We want a better start for our children and whilst clearing the debt seems to not be a viable option as ‘there are not enough children next year, or the year after’ we want clear answers.

Started by: Lisa Lynch

This ePetition ran from 27/10/2021 to 08/12/2021 and has now finished.

23 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

The Governors at St Vincent De Paul and Westminster Cathedral Roman Catholic Primary Schools have now completed their informal consultation on the proposal to amalgamate the two schools. This consultation concluded on 12th November. Following the informal consultation process, the next step is for each governing body to make a recommendation to the Council. The Council is legally required to consider the recommendation of the governing bodies as a Key Decision. The decision will be published in early January. If the decision is to proceed to a formal four-week consultation about the amalgamation proposal, representations from stakeholders and members of the community can be made to the council. All representations received during the formal consultation period will be fully considered before a final decision is made about the proposal.